
VSCode Color Assist

VSCode extension that allows you to highlight entire blocks of code.

Minimal Site One

Less is more.

Minimal Site Two

Less is more.

Searchbox Awesome

Minimalistic google-like searchbox with keybindings support.

Drag Navigation

Components to replicate iOS cards navigation in your web apps. Touch-based lazy-loading and routing.

Bottom Sheet Awesome

iOS-like, touch-based, bottom sheet for web apps.

Floating Action Button Awesome

Fab that makes sense. Thumb-only navigation.

fab giffab doge gif

Compose Windows

Gmail-like compose windows.

News Feed Web App Template

News feed web app template with GraphQL in the front and backend.

news feed template

Layout Navigation Helper

A set of components to simplify navigation and improve accessibility in web apps. Navigate anywhere on the page with only a few keys.

Typescript Design Patterns Site

A Gatsby.js website with over 20 TypeScript design patterns examples.